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| موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) | |
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miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:02 pm | |
| اكبر موضوع عن ENRIQUE IGLESIAS وطبعااا يشمل السيره الذاتيه والاشياء المعروفه عنه
واكيد >>>>>>الاغاني والصور والفيديو كليب وصور خاصه مع زوجته لاعبه
التنس ANNA وكلمات اغانيه
اتمنى يعجبكم
نبدا بالمعلومات الخاصهـ عنهـ
Name: Enrique Iglesias
Birth Name: Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler
Height: 6' 3"
***: M
Nationality: Spanish
Date: May 8, 1975
Birth Place: Madrid, Spain
Occupation: actor, musician
Relationship: Anna Kournikova (tennis player), Jennifer Love Hewitt (actress)
Father: Julio Iglesias (actor, musician; born on September 23, 1943; m arried in July 20, 1971; separated in 1978) Mother: Isabel Preysler (born on February 18, 1951)
Sister: Maria Isabel Iglesias Preysler (Spanish singer-actress; born on September 3, 1971) Brother: Julio José Iglesias Preysler (born on February 25, 1973) Half Sister: Victoria Iglesias Rijnsburger and Cristina Iglesias Rijnsburger (twins, born in 2001; mother: Miranda Rijnsberger - former Dutch model), Ana (born in 1989), Tamara (born in 1983) Half Brother: Alejandro Iglesias Rijnsburger (born on September 9, 1997; mother: Miranda Rijnsberger ) and Rodrigo Iglesias Rijnsburger (born on April 3, 1999; mother: Miranda Rijnsberger).
وهذي اشياء 100% عنهـ
. اسمه : Enrique Iglesias Preysler
2. تاريخ ميلاده : 8 مايو 1975
3. برجه : الثور
4. أمه Isable Preysler كانت ملكة جمال الفلبين لما اتزوجها أبو Enrique .. وبعد ما اطلقوه اتزوجت واستقرت بمدريد باسبانيا ويتشتغل صحفية
5. والديه اطلقه سنة 1979
6. عنده 3 اخوان و3 اخوات
7. بيعتبر نفسه كاتب أغاني وبعدين مغني
8. بحب السباحه وشرب الشاي الصيني واقتناء الحيوانات
9. بحب الرقص وما بيسهر
10. وهو مراهق عمره ما حمل معه أكثر من دولار واحد
11. بحب الالوان الاسود والاحمر والابيض والازرق
12. أحسن ذكرى بيملكها قبعه زرقاء أعطاه اياها صديقه قبل ما يموت
13. اتولد باسبانيا ويعيش حاليا بميامي
14. بحب الهمبورجر والبطاطا المقليه وما بيدخن
15. باع أكثر من 13 مليون ألبوم في 4 سنوات
16. فاز بجائزة GRAAMY
17. بدأ يكتب أغاني بغرفة نومه وبمرآب صديقه وعمره حوالي 13 سنه
18. بينزعج لما حدا يقدمه كابن Julio Iglesias
19. غنى بأكثر من 150 صالة في جميع أنحاء العالم
20. بحب قناة MTV وبحب يعمل مقالب بالناس
21. بينظر الى أقدام المرأه وبيقول انه شي مهم بالنسبه له
22. بيلبس جينز وفانيله دايما وغالبا بتلاقي حافي
23. أول البوم له أطلق عام 1995 باللغه الاسبانيه
24. فلمه المفضل هو : Raiders of the lost Ark
25. ممثلته المفضله : Meryl Steep
26. بحب السلطات وأكل البطيخ الاسباني
27. ما بيلبس ساعه أبدا
28. درس ادارة أعمال بجامعة ميامي
29. ينام والوساده بين سيقانه
30. ما بحب العطور بحب ريحة الانسان الطبيعي
31. بيتخفف من الملابس لما ينام
32. بيستعمل فرشاة أسنان وبغيرها كل شهر
33. ممثله المفضل : Anthony Hopkins
34. أفضل شخصيه كارتونيه عنده : Bugs Bunny
35. يحب السفر والمغامرة
36. بموت بكرة القدم
37. حلم حياته يتعلم كيف يطير طائرة
38. شعاره المفضل : Try to live happy everyday))
39. أخوه مغني وأخته مراسلة تلفزيون
40. صوت له كواحد من ال 50 رجلا الأكثر جمالا في العالم
41. يحترم مارك انطوني وريكي مارتن كثيرا جدا
42. أهدا البومه الاول الى مربيته Elvira والي بيعتبرها نفس أمه
43. أصدقاؤه بلقبوه ب كيك أو كويكوي
44. كان طالب خجول جدا بالمدرسه
45. بحب كل الفرق الغنائية الي من الثمانينات
46. أفضل نوع من الخضروات عنده : الخس
47. الطعام الخفيف المفضل عنده : البيتزا
48. مشروبه المفضل : الكوكا
49. أفضل يوم بالاسبوع : الجمعة
50. سيارته المفضلة : الجيب
ويعتبر Enrique من أوائل المغنيين الاتيينين الذين يغنون بالانجليزيه
وEnrique غير مرتبط حاليا ولكانه يقيم علاقة حب مه لاعبة التنس Anna Kournikava والتي
تخشى أن يكون Enrique كأبيه المغني الشهير خوليو ايجلاسيوس الذي كانت له علاقة بأكثر من 2000 امراة
يتبع ... | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:03 pm | |
| وهذا لقاء لهـ ...
مع ألبومه الجديد Escape, يطل انريكي إيجليزياس بنجاح كبير, خصوصاً مع أغنيتع الضاربة Hero التي يصورها فيديو كليب وإلى جانبه الممثلة جينفر لوف هيويت.
* ألبومك الجديد يباع كالخبز,هل أنت سعيد بذلك؟
- بصراحة, لقد فوجئت. لأنني وضعت كل طاقتي على إنجازه. طوال عام واحد لم أعمل على شيء آخر. لذا يمكنني القول إنني حصلت على مكافأة عملي.
*لماذا يحمل هذا الالبوم عنوان Escape ؟
- في هذا الالبوم رسالة إلى كل الذين سشترونه, لأن الأغاني كتبت ليتمكنوا من نسيان همومهم الشخصية, وأنسب مكان للأستماع إليها هو في سيارة مكشوفة على طريق محاذاة شاطىء البحر
*أغنية Hero عبارة عن إعلان حب, هل تعيش هذه الحالة؟
- في الواقع كتبت هذه الاغنية لصديقتي السابقة التي تركتني بعد أن انهيت الاغنية.
*هل تقصد جينفر لوف هيويت؟
- لا انها فتاة اخرى, لا أحد يعرفها.
*بالعودة الى جينفر, يبدو واضحاً في الفيديو كليب أنكما منسجمان!
- صحيح, أحب كثيراً جينفر... والجميع يقولون إننا نشكل ثنائياً جميلاً في هذا الكليب, كما أنني بصراحة أفضلها على ميكي رورك الذي يمثل أيضاً في الفيديو كليب نفسه! (يضحك)
*الصحافة الاميريكية تتكلم على قصة حب بينكما.
-كان هذا خلال شهر سبتمبر, ومنذ ذلك الوقت, جرت أمور كثيرة سرية! يمكنكم القول إنني متزوج..
- لا, لا أمزح... أنا عازب مئة بالمئة. مع انهماكي الدائم بالعمل لا أجد وقتاً لمواعدة فتاة.
في المقابل أعلنت جينفر أنها متيمة بك؟
-إنها ممثلة ناجحة ورائعة.
*هل أنت ممثل رائع؟
- في الواقع كنت محظوظاً في العمل مع مجموعة من النجوم في فيلم Once upon a time in mexico, إنه فيلم ويسترن مع أنطونيو بانديراس, جوني ديب, سلمى حايك وأيضاً ميكي رورك.
* ماهو دورك فيه؟
-ألعب دور الصديق المقرب لأنطونيو بانديراس وكلانا قاطع طريق في المكسيك.
*في مقابلات سابقة قلت إنك لاتريد أن تصبح ممثلاً, يبدو أنك غيرت رأيك؟
-صحيح! هذه المغامرة أغرتني كثيراً. واليوم أنا متحمس لأفلام أخرى, ولكنني أنتظر الاستماع إلى الانتقادات قبل الإقدام على مشروع آخر.
*ماذا تقول للمعجبات؟
-صحيح أنني ملقب بالعاشق اللاتيني, لكن انسوا شكلي واستمعوا إلى ألبومي وستدركون أن أغاني هي المهمة
يتبع ...
يتبع .... | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:04 pm | |
| GRAMMY – "Best Latin Pop Performance" 1996 ACE AWARD – "Best Singer" 1996 Billboard`s "Artist of the Year" Award und "Album of the Year" for "Vivir" 1996 LO NUESTRO AWARD – "Year's Revelation" 1997 LO NUESTRO AWARD – "Best Pop Artist" 1997 LO NUESTRO AWARD – "Song Of The Year" 1997 BILLBOARD AWARD – "Hot Latin Track" 2 American Music Awards 1 World Music Award 8 Premio Lo Nuestro Awards 2 ACE Performer of the Year Awards ASCAP prizes for Best Composer in 1996 and 1997 and for "Bailamos" in 1999 Drei Awards vom Magazin "ERES" Zwei Awards vom Magazin "TV Y NOVELAS
و الـعـديـد مـن الـجـوائــز الـدوليــة و غيرهــــا ...
يتبع ... | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:05 pm | |
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| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:05 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:07 pm | |
| خبر عن انريكي ... International music megastars lured by Middle East's 'golden triangle' Major international pop and rock artists such as Destiny's Child and Enrique Iglesias, are including Middle East dates in their world tours, as demand for live music and entertainment from the so called 'golden triangle' cities of Beirut, Cairo and Dubai grows - the region's largest concert promoter said today.
Destiny's Child, set to rock Dubai on May 12.
'Attracting the big names to the Middle East is only half the battle,' said Thomas Ovesen, general manager, Mirage Promotions UAE. 'Promoters then have to consider issues such as logistics, marketing, sponsorship and most importantly of all, ticket sales!'
Organising, managing and staging concerts will be one of the issues to be discussed at Festivale 2005, the region's first conference and exhibition for event organisers and destination management professionals, to be held in Dubai from April 24 to 26.
The emergence of what has been dubbed the golden triangle of cities has made it viable for world-famous singers and bands to come and play in the region, where once it was considered too costly, according Ovesen.
'The Middle East has often been neglected by big name pop and rock stars because audiences here have traditionally been small, and it is expensive to stage an event in one city for just one night,' said Ovesen, who will speak on staging concerts for international artists, during Festivale 2005.
'But the golden triangle of Beirut, Cairo and Dubai, means that they can play three major cities during a dedicated Middle East leg of a world tour, and still make money, ' he added.
Mirage Promotions, have secured 'RnB' megastars Destiny's Child to play in Dubai on May 12, and have helped organize more than 500 concerts across the region for acts such as Craig David, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Blue, Enrique Iglesias, Westlife and Bryan Ferry.
'The Middle East is attracting more and more international acts because of its reputation for holding successful, well attended events,' said Sabine Enthammer, executive director conferences, IIR Middle East, organisers of Festivale 2005. 'But they are complex to plan, organise and manage, and require expert handling.'
Festivale 2005 will examine how major entertainment, commercial and sporting events are staged, by bringing leading international event planners, destination managers and organisers to the region. More than 30 speakers from across the globe will address the three-day event.
Speakers include, Saeed M. Al Nabouda, chief executive officer, Dubai Shopping Festival; Lisa Twomey, associate director, Sydney Festival; and Dr Hussain Al Mahdi, chairman, Gulf Global Consultancy Co and General Events Organising, Bahrain;
Rod McGeoch, chief executive of Sydney's winning Olympic Games bid, and member of the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, will deliver the keynote address to the conference at the Dubai World Trade Center.
يتبع.... | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| | | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:08 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:09 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:10 pm | |
| Latino Hero Enrique Iglesias How did this good-looking, yet shy and retiring Spanish-born singer become the biggest-selling Spanish language artist in the world? Read on to find out…
So Enrique, since you exploded on the scene in 1999 with 'Balaimos', Jo. Lo, Ricky Martin and Mark Anthony were all newcomers to the chart. Now Latino music is massive and you have gone on to sell over 30 million albums world-wide. How does it feel? It’s feels like a long time ago!
Do you feel that was the time when Latin music really exploded onto the scene? I just think it was Latin artists doing good pop music.
What do you think the main appeal was? At the end of the day, it all comes down to the song. They all had good songs, Ricky had 'La Vida Loca', great song. And Jennifer had 'If You Had My Love', Mark Anthony had 'I Need To Know'. They are all very good songs.
How do you rate the importance of the Latin Grammy Awards? To tell you the truth, I haven't been there. There's only been one so far - this year’s got cancelled. So I couldn't really tell you! But I'm sure the show was very good and very big.
Your last album had a cover of Bruce Springsteen's 'Sad Eyes' on it. You've also toured with Bruce - are you a real rocker at heart? I love Bruce Springsteen. His was one of the first concerts I ever went to. He’s amazing. I met him for the first time last September when we were rehearsing in the same studios. I never get star struck, but I got star struck with him, I didn’t even say ‘Hi’ because I didn't want to sound like an idiot!
Any plans to work with him at all? I wish. Whenever he wants it would be an honour.
So if we were to look in your walkman right now, what would you be listening to? Recently I have been listening to Travis. I also like Coldplay, David Gray and Craig David.
Tell us about an old school record that has inspired you? The first CD I ever got, and one which I think even now is one of the best CDs ever made is by Dire Straits and it’s called 'Brothers In Arms'. My favourite track is called 'Money For Nothing'. It just sounds amazing. Every single track.
Whose idea was it to have Jennifer Love Hewitt in the video for your new song ‘Hero’? It was my idea. We wanted to do a mini-movie like a 'Bonnie And Clyde', and I suggested that if we were going to go with that idea then we'd need actors. Jennifer is a friend of mine, and I asked her to be in it, and she said 'Yes'. Then we called up Micky Rourke and he said yes too. We got lucky there, they're the ones that make the video great. They make it seem real.
The song itself is a very big ballad, tell us what it's all about... It's a love song, and the video and song combine so well I think.
So what's next? Right now I'm completely on to the album and hopefully it will do well. I feel confident that I put a lot of love into this albumيتبع .... | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:11 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:12 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:13 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:14 pm | |
| | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:23 pm | |
| كلماااااااااااااات الاغاني
-> Addicted Lyrics
Have I told you how good it feels to be me, when I'm in you? I can only stay clean when you are around. Don't let me fall. If I close my eyes forever, would it ease the pain? Could I breathe again?
[Chorus:] Maybe I'm addicted, I'm out of control, but you're the drug that keeps me from dying. Maybe I'm a liar, but all I really know is you're the only reason I'm trying.
I am wasted away, I made a million mistakes. Am I too late? There is a storm in my head; it rains on my bed when you are not here. I'm not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of losing you.
[Chorus:] Maybe I'm addicted, I'm out of control, but you're the drug that keeps me from dying. Maybe I'm a liar, but all I really know is you're the only reason I'm trying.
When you're lying next to me love is going through to me. Oh it's beautiful. Everything is clear to me 'till I hit reality and I lose it all... I lose it all... I lose it all. I lose it all... Nah nah nah nah nah nah.... Nah nah nah nah nah nah..... nah nah nah nah nah nah....
You're the only reason, Yeah, you're the only reason I'm trying, Oh, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying, Don't want to lose it all, Don't want to lose it all, I'm trying, I'm trying.. I'm trying ... Yeah, you know I'm addicted, You know I'm addicted, Yeah, you know I'm addicted....
يتبع ... | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:25 pm | |
| | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:26 pm | |
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| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| | | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:27 pm | |
| | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:29 pm | |
| تابع
كلماااااااات الاغاني
Tonight we dance I lay my life in your hands We take the floor Nothing is forbidden anymore
Don't let the world in outside Don't let a moment go by
Nothing can stop us tonight Bailamos, let the rhythm take you over Bailamos, te quiero amor mio Bailamos wanna live this night forever Bailamos te quiero amor mio te quiero Tonight I'm yours We can make it happen, I'm so sure Now I'm letting go There is something I think you should know I won't be leaving your side We're gonna dance through the night I wanna reach for the stars Bailamos, let the rhythm take you over Bailamos, te quiero amor mio Bailamos wanna live this night forever Bailamos te quiero amor mio te quiero
Tonight we dance Like no tomorrow If you will stay with me Te quiero mi amor
Spanish Version: Bailamos
Esta Noche Bailamos Esta noche te doy la bienvenida
Quedate conmigo
Esta noche bailamos Dejo mi vida en tus manos En la pista de baile Nada es prohibido
No dejes que te absorba el mundo No dejes que se te escape un momento nada nos puede parar esta noche
Chorus Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero
Esta noche soy tuyo Estoy seguro que lo podemos hacer realidad No lo voy a perder Hay algo que quiero que sepas Nunca me ire de tu lado Bailaremos toda la noche Quiero tocar las estrellas
Chorus Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero
Esta noche bailamos Como que no habra manana Si te quedas conmigo Te quiero mi amor
Quedate conmigo esta noche - bailamos
Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero Como te quiero Como te quiero Como te quiero
Be With You Lyrics
Monday night and I feel so alone I count the hours but they go so slow I know the sound of your voice Can save my soul
City lights, streets of gold Look out my window to the world below Moves so fast and it feels so cold And I'm all alone (I'm all alone)
Don't let me die I'm losing my mind Baby just give me a sign
CHORUS: And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you (be with you) And I can't go on I wanna be with you (be with you Wanna be with you
I can't sleep and I'm up all night Through these tears I try to smile I know the touch of your hand Can save my life
Don't let me down Come to me know I've got to be with you somehow
Don't let me down Come to me know I've got to be with you somehow
And now that you're gone Who am I without you now? I can't go on I just wanna be with you!
Bambola Crudele Lyrics
¨´Un giorno in pi Che tu non sei con me Non mi concentro E penso solo a te
Devo piantarla Se no che vita ¨¨ Voltati e guarda La confusione Che c'e
Se qui c'e mio corpo Cosa ne faccio se il tuo corpo non c'e Se qui c'e un ricordo Che sogno abbraccio al mattino alle tre? Se qui c'e il mio nome Su quale bocaa avr¨¤ la stessa ironia
Che fa capire anche al vento Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Se qui c'e il mio sangue Per cosa È pronto se non c'e gelosia Raccontami a chi lo racconto Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Piove per noi Pivoe sul nostro addio Ma come vedi Mi bagno solo io
Vengo a cercarti Con l'anima in apnea Sentirsi persi Guarda i disastri che crea
Se qui c'e mio corpo Cosa ne faccio se il tuo corpo non c'e Se qui c'e un ricordo Che sogno abbraccio al mattino alle tre? Se qui c'e il mio nome Su quale bocaa avr¨¤ la stessa ironia
Che fa capire anche al vento Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Se qui c'e il mio sangue Per cosa È pronto se non c'e gelosia
Raccontami a chi lo racconto Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Be Yourself Lyrics
Well I am what I am could be what you are. Is your pain when you smile cos you feel alone? And are you strong enough to be yourself?? Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Ah you gottta be yourself. Ah you gotta be yourself. If you cried, would you hide Would you want all the world to know And if you believe in love Would you let it show Are you in, are you hip, are you cool Do you try too hard Or are you strong enough to be yourself Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Ah you gottta be yourself. Ah you gotta be yourself. If you can't, can't be yourself you're gonna lose it all. If you can't,can't be yourself what are you living for? You're gonna find someday you gotta run away. You gotta run,run,run away. [Chorus]
Could I Have This Kiss Forever - (with Whitney Houston) Lyrics
Over and over I look in your eyes You are all I desire You have captured me I want to hold you I want to be close to you I never want to let go I wish that this night would never end I need to know
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Over and over I`ve dreamed of this night Now you`re here by my side You are next to me I want to hold you and touch you and taste you And make you want no one but me I wish that this kiss could never end Oh baby please
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
I don`t want any night to go by Without you by my side I just want all my days Spent being next to you Lived for just loving you And baby, oh by the way
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Break Me, Shake Me Lyrics
OW! Ha haha ha ah... [x2] Anything you want, But never find the heart to leave me, Cause i need you too much So play your game but don't desert me, Maybe you heard i'm tough To love but baby please believe me Don't be afraid to trust me, I wouldn't trade you for the world, And if you feel you gotta test me, Before you be my girl
You can shake me, you can break me, But you can't make me, Cause that the only this i won't, Do for you
Sometimes i say too much I am right now so please forgive me But i can't help but touch The place i keep inside you in me I threw away my crutch, I'm man enough for you, can't you see me?
Don't be afraid to try me, Come on and give a guy a whirl, And if you feel you gotta test me, Before you be my girl
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
Well i was making love inside my mind, Somebody take me to the other side, I wanna kiss so deep inside your world, So don't run away girl
[Guitar solo]
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me, Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me, Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
I'm gonna make you mine
I'd sail a thousand ships to finally kiss your lips
يتبع .. | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:31 pm | |
| تابع
كلماااااااات الاغاني
Tonight we dance I lay my life in your hands We take the floor Nothing is forbidden anymore
Don't let the world in outside Don't let a moment go by
Nothing can stop us tonight Bailamos, let the rhythm take you over Bailamos, te quiero amor mio Bailamos wanna live this night forever Bailamos te quiero amor mio te quiero Tonight I'm yours We can make it happen, I'm so sure Now I'm letting go There is something I think you should know I won't be leaving your side We're gonna dance through the night I wanna reach for the stars Bailamos, let the rhythm take you over Bailamos, te quiero amor mio Bailamos wanna live this night forever Bailamos te quiero amor mio te quiero
Tonight we dance Like no tomorrow If you will stay with me Te quiero mi amor
Spanish Version: Bailamos
Esta Noche Bailamos Esta noche te doy la bienvenida
Quedate conmigo
Esta noche bailamos Dejo mi vida en tus manos En la pista de baile Nada es prohibido
No dejes que te absorba el mundo No dejes que se te escape un momento nada nos puede parar esta noche
Chorus Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero
Esta noche soy tuyo Estoy seguro que lo podemos hacer realidad No lo voy a perder Hay algo que quiero que sepas Nunca me ire de tu lado Bailaremos toda la noche Quiero tocar las estrellas
Chorus Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero
Esta noche bailamos Como que no habra manana Si te quedas conmigo Te quiero mi amor
Quedate conmigo esta noche - bailamos
Bailamos - deja que el ritmo te controle Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos quiero que la noche sea para siempre- bailamos Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero Como te quiero Como te quiero Como te quiero
Be With You Lyrics
Monday night and I feel so alone I count the hours but they go so slow I know the sound of your voice Can save my soul
City lights, streets of gold Look out my window to the world below Moves so fast and it feels so cold And I'm all alone (I'm all alone)
Don't let me die I'm losing my mind Baby just give me a sign
CHORUS: And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you (be with you) And I can't go on I wanna be with you (be with you Wanna be with you
I can't sleep and I'm up all night Through these tears I try to smile I know the touch of your hand Can save my life
Don't let me down Come to me know I've got to be with you somehow
Don't let me down Come to me know I've got to be with you somehow
And now that you're gone Who am I without you now? I can't go on I just wanna be with you!
Bambola Crudele Lyrics
¨´Un giorno in pi Che tu non sei con me Non mi concentro E penso solo a te
Devo piantarla Se no che vita ¨¨ Voltati e guarda La confusione Che c'e
Se qui c'e mio corpo Cosa ne faccio se il tuo corpo non c'e Se qui c'e un ricordo Che sogno abbraccio al mattino alle tre? Se qui c'e il mio nome Su quale bocaa avr¨¤ la stessa ironia
Che fa capire anche al vento Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Se qui c'e il mio sangue Per cosa È pronto se non c'e gelosia Raccontami a chi lo racconto Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Piove per noi Pivoe sul nostro addio Ma come vedi Mi bagno solo io
Vengo a cercarti Con l'anima in apnea Sentirsi persi Guarda i disastri che crea
Se qui c'e mio corpo Cosa ne faccio se il tuo corpo non c'e Se qui c'e un ricordo Che sogno abbraccio al mattino alle tre? Se qui c'e il mio nome Su quale bocaa avr¨¤ la stessa ironia
Che fa capire anche al vento Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Se qui c'e il mio sangue Per cosa È pronto se non c'e gelosia
Raccontami a chi lo racconto Quanto crudele sia La bambola mia
Be Yourself Lyrics
Well I am what I am could be what you are. Is your pain when you smile cos you feel alone? And are you strong enough to be yourself?? Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Ah you gottta be yourself. Ah you gotta be yourself. If you cried, would you hide Would you want all the world to know And if you believe in love Would you let it show Are you in, are you hip, are you cool Do you try too hard Or are you strong enough to be yourself Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Papa used to say "You're just a loser and you're never gonna have what it takes" Mama used to say "All that loud musice you play ain't gonna get you nowhere" Ah you gottta be yourself. Ah you gotta be yourself. If you can't, can't be yourself you're gonna lose it all. If you can't,can't be yourself what are you living for? You're gonna find someday you gotta run away. You gotta run,run,run away. [Chorus]
Could I Have This Kiss Forever - (with Whitney Houston) Lyrics
Over and over I look in your eyes You are all I desire You have captured me I want to hold you I want to be close to you I never want to let go I wish that this night would never end I need to know
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Over and over I`ve dreamed of this night Now you`re here by my side You are next to me I want to hold you and touch you and taste you And make you want no one but me I wish that this kiss could never end Oh baby please
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
I don`t want any night to go by Without you by my side I just want all my days Spent being next to you Lived for just loving you And baby, oh by the way
Could I hold you for a lifetime Could I look into your eyes Could I have this night to share this night together Could I hold you close beside me Could I hold you for all time Could I could I have this kiss forever Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Break Me, Shake Me Lyrics
OW! Ha haha ha ah... [x2] Anything you want, But never find the heart to leave me, Cause i need you too much So play your game but don't desert me, Maybe you heard i'm tough To love but baby please believe me Don't be afraid to trust me, I wouldn't trade you for the world, And if you feel you gotta test me, Before you be my girl
You can shake me, you can break me, But you can't make me, Cause that the only this i won't, Do for you
Sometimes i say too much I am right now so please forgive me But i can't help but touch The place i keep inside you in me I threw away my crutch, I'm man enough for you, can't you see me?
Don't be afraid to try me, Come on and give a guy a whirl, And if you feel you gotta test me, Before you be my girl
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
Well i was making love inside my mind, Somebody take me to the other side, I wanna kiss so deep inside your world, So don't run away girl
[Guitar solo]
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me, Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
You can shake me, You can break me, But you can' t make me, Cause thats the only thing i won't, Do for you
I'm gonna make you mine
I'd sail a thousand ships to finally kiss your lips
يتبع .. | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 3:32 pm | |
| حوار انريكي بدبي ...الغلافو هلا الحوار
Enrique is Spain’s No. 1 A Spanish father and a model from the Philippines as a mother must account for Enrique Iglesias`s to die for gorgeous Latin looks that melt so many young ladies` hearts, just like his father-Julio Iglesias, the global superstar.
Monday 05 April 2004
At 28 years of age he has the musical potential to be around for many years to come. Born in Madrid, Spain he spent much of his youth growing up in Miami, Florida having been sent there by his mother following the kidnapping of his paternal grandfather in a ransom attempt. He lived here with his father, brother and sister. His parents divorced when he was just 3 years old.
The latest album, SEVEN, released on 25th November 2003 is his 3rd English album but his seventh in total, including Spanish albums, hence the name. Of his work to date all have made platinum or better, including 2001`s triple platinum Escape.
Enrique has become the biggest-selling Spanish language artist in the world.
The Magazine: What and when was your 1st big break? Enrique: My Big Break arrived in the form of my 1st record contract when I was 18-19 years old. I didn’t know what I was signing – it was a whole book, about 200 pages long. The thing was that I was just happy to have a record contract. I didn’t know what the future held for me but it all felt like one big adventure.
What did you do with your first pay cheque? I bought a house. In them days the bank took it back!!
On your new album Seven, you wrote or co-wrote and produced every song. Where and how do you find new inspiration to achieve this? I generally find the time when I'm on the road, which is where I wrote most of the songs for my latest album. But I write most of my music at home. Most of my inspiration comes through life experiences.
How would you describe your music from Seven? The New Album is more honest. You write a song and worry if its too negative, too happy, or if the Record Company are gonna dig it. But this time around I just had to erase these thoughts from my mind and concentrate on the lyrics and be honest in my work.
Did you write the track Addicted, with it in mind that it would be the first single out of the Album? I wrote Addicted about 2 years ago whilst on tour in Germany, never thinking it would be the 1st single. That’s what is really cool about the track and the rest of the songs because none of them were planned out. It was all done spontaneously and we just wrote songs we loved.
Is there any particular track that sticks in your mind more than any other? Each song points out a period in my life so it would be difficult to pick one in particular. They all have different meanings to me.
Do you have a favourite Songwriter that you most admire? I look up to many Songwriters. From Bruce Springstein to Bono to Sting. These I would have to say would be amongst my favourites along with Lionel Ritchie, whom I had the honour of working with just over a year ago.
You have already visited Lebanon. What is your personal opinion of the place? Enrique: To be honest, I was impressed by the people and the strength they have... in some parts of the city you can see the damage from previous conflicts, but what makes a place interesting is the people and certainly Lebanon has great people
Did you sample any of the nightlife whilst there? If so, what did you think of the music you heard? I didn’t have a chance to. Do you foresee an opportunity to include Dubai or any other Middle Eastern country into your schedule? It’s always a possibility.... I had a great time and would love to come back to the region
You have done collaborations with different artists in the past. Would you ever consider doing collaboration with an Arabic artist such as Chris de Burgh and Elisa? If the song is right and we get along I would. As I have done in the past with other talented artists.
Do you feel your Spanish blood is the reason for the huge amount of passion expressed in your songs? I don't think my Spanish blood is the only reason, but it definitely has something to with it.
How difficult has it become for you to have a personal life being so successful as you are? The only thing that is difficult at times is not spending enough time at home, and with friends.
Your father, as well as being a famous singer was also an accomplished footballer (goalkeeper). Do you have any hidden talents that we should know about? I have a small plane that I like flying at times.
You have a reputation as being a bit of a `*** symbol. How do you keep yourself in such fantastic shape? I eat a lot of cheeseburgers. ha ahahha يتبع ... | |
| | | miley cyrus 302 عضو هاوي
عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 4:20 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 4:21 pm | |
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عدد المشاركات : 66 العمر : 25 العمل : طالبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المزاج : تاريخ التسجيل : 09/10/2008
| موضوع: رد: موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) الخميس أكتوبر 30, 2008 4:21 pm | |
| هلا بالانجليزي و رح ارجع احطو بالعربي Enrique Iglesias, Inter-American Development Bank
Reporting that almost half of IDB lending to the Latin American region is devoted to social issues, Enrique Iglesias, President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), described the current situation as a cup both half full and half empty. On the positive side, poverty has been reduced slightly in relative terms, though because of population growth there are still around 200 million people living on less than $2 a day. He also stated that 93% of children are in school, but half leave after three years while the richest ten percent have ten years of schooling. Citing other improvements in human indicators, Iglesias remarked that there is practically no difference in rates between boys and girls in basic education, child and maternal mortality rates have decreased, and much progress has been made in improving access to reproductive health.
Iglesias described poverty as a social problem with economic implications. “Poverty is a major source of unrest. . . and a major source of instability, which is not a good recipe for an investment climate,” he said. Poverty is also a political problem in which democracies must be legitimized by possessing the capacity to deliver social goods and to have feasible ways of reducing poverty and inequality, Iglesias said. On the issue of inequality, he noted that Latin America had the worst record of developing countries, with pockets of exclusion containing a strong ethnic component, particularly of indigenous groups in the Afro-American community. He pointed out that the 200 million people in poverty could be full consumers and producers, and that Latin America is thus deprived of an immense force which, if empowered, could become a tremendous impetus. Unemployment is also a tremendous problem for younger generations, which represent half the population of the region.
Iglesias listed five lessons he thought should guide development practices. First, growth matters. In Latin America, unless the rate of per capita growth doubles from its current 3.5% to a rate of 5 or 6%, it will take decades to reach the goal of reducing extreme poverty by half. Next, stability matters. “Stabilization is a very important component of our fight against poverty and inequality,” he said. Particular emphasis should be placed on lowering inflation, which he called “the biggest tax on poor people.” He mentioned Brazil as an example of a nation that had cut inflation drastically, helping at least ten percent of the poor exit from below the poverty line.
Third, Iglesias noted the importance of spending on education and considering it an investment, not an expenditure. The fourth lesson was to localize policies where possible and let the communities themselves solve problems. Iglesias described urbanization as a quick, disorderly, and disorganized process. The conditions of life in cities, including water, housing, sanitation, access to different services, daycare, paved streets, and environmental protection, have become a major problem. He believes local communities should manage these programs, as is the case now in Brazil. A final lesson was that countries need not necessarily spend more on social policies, but rather spend more efficiently, with a focus on quality.
Iglesias spoke of a number of IDB priorities, including improving competitiveness to spur growth, social reform through social protection mechanisms, youth programs, natural disaster protection, good governance, and spreading the benefits of global public goods. Also, he stressed that freer trade will provide access to markets for poor people, particularly in rural areas. A well-negotiated and well-managed globalization will absorb some of the major problems of poverty, such as a high dependency on commodities in rural areas. Finally, poverty reduction must not be considered a state affair or a political party affair, but a national affair involving participation at all levels.
هلا بالعربي
إنريك إيجليسياس, البنك الأمريكي للتنمية الداخلية
مبلغًا أن تقريبًا النّصف للبنك الإسلاميّ للتّنمية يعير إلى المنطقة من أمريكا اللّاتينيّة مخلص للقضايا الاجتماعيّة, إنريك إيجليسياس, رئيس البنك الأمريكي للتنمية الداخلية ( البنك الإسلاميّ للتّنمية ), وصف الوضع الحاليّ ككأس كلاهما نصف مملوء و نصف فارغ . على الجانب الإيجابيّ, الفقر قد قُلِّلَ قليلاً في المصطلحات النّسبيّة, بسبب النّموّ السّكّانيّ رغم أن مازال هناك حوالي 200 مليون شخص يعيش على أقلّ من 2 $ في اليوم هو أيضًا صرّح أن 93 % من الأطفال في المدرسة, لكنّ النّصف يغادر بعد ثلاثة سنوات بينما لدى عشرة في المئة الأغنى عشرة سنوات من التّعليم . ذاكرًا التّحسّنات الأخرى في المؤشّرات البشريّة, إيجليسياس علّق أن ليس هناك تقريبًا اختلاف في المعدّلات بين الأولاد و البنات في التّعليم الأساسيّ, الطّفل و معدّلات وفيات أثناء الولادة قد انخفضوا, و تقدّم كثير قد عُمِلَ في تحسين المدخل للصّحّة التّناسليّة . وصف إيجليسياس الفقر كمشكلة اجتماعيّة بالعواقب الاقتصاديّة . الفقر مصدر ثورة رئيسيّ . . . و مصدر اختلال رئيسيّ, الذي/التي ليس طريقة طهي جيّدة مناخ الاستثمار, هو قال . الفقر أيضًا المشكلة السّياسيّة التي فيها يجب أن تُحَلَّل الدّيمقراطيّة بامتلاك السّعة لتسليم السّلع الاجتماعيّة و ليحصل على طرق عمليّة لتقليل الفقر و التّفاوت, إيجليسياس قال . على قضيّة التفاوت. لاحظ أن كان لدى أمريكا اللّاتينيّة أسوأ سجلّ للدّول النّامية, بالجيوب للاستبعاد يحتوي على عنصر عرقيّ قويّ, خصوصًا للمجموعات المحلّيّة في المجتمع الأمريكيّ الأفريقيّ . أشار أن ال200 مليون شخص في الفقر يمكن أن يكون مستهلكين و منتجين ممتلئين, و أنّ أمريكا اللّاتينيّة لهذا محروم من قوّة كبيرة الذي/التي, إذا مكّن, يمكن أن يصبح دافعًا كبيرًا . البطالة أيضًا مشكلة كبيرة للأجيال الأصغر الذين يمثّلون نصف البوبلا حصر إيجليسياس خمسة دروسًا فكّر ينبغي أن يرشد ممارسات النّموّ . أوّل, مسائل النّموّ . في أمريكا اللّاتينيّة, إلّا إذا معدّل للفرد أضعاف النّموّ من تيّارها 3.5 % إلى معدّل 5 أو 6 %, سيأخذ العقود للوصول إلى هدف تقليل الفقر الشّديد بالنّصف . بعد ذلك, مسائل الاستقرار . الاستقرار عنصر مهمّ جدًّا لمعركتنا ضدّ الفقر و التّفاوت, هو قال . التّشديد الخاصّ يجب أن يُوضَع على تخفيض التّضخّم, الذي سمّاه أكبر ضريبة على فقير.
الثّلث, إيجليسياس لاحظ أهمّيّة الإنفاق على التّعليم و اعتباره استثمار, ليس إنفاق . الدّرس الرّابع كان حدّ السّياسات أين ممكن و سمح للمجتمعات أنفسهم أن تحلّ مشاكل . وصف إيجليسياس التّمدّن كالعمليّة الفوضويّة و مشاغبة و سريعة . ظروف الحياة في المدن, متضمّنًا الماء, الإسكان, الصّحّة, صل إلى الخدمات المختلفة, العناية بالطّفل, رصف الشّوارع, و الحماية البيئيّة, قد أصبح مشكلة كبيرة . يصدّق لوكاظروف الحياة في المدن, متضمّنًا الماء, الإسكان, الصّحّة, صل إلى الخدمات المختلفة, العناية بالطّفل, رصف الشّوارع, و الحماية البيئيّة, قد أصبح مشكلة كبيرة . يعتقد أنّ المجتمعات المحلّيّة ينبغي أن تدير هذه البرامج, كالقضيّة الآن في البرازيل . الدّرس النّهائيّ هو أنّ البلاد تحتاج ليس بالضّرورة ينفق أكثر على السّياسات الاجتماعيّة, لكنّ إلى حدّ ما انفق بكفاءة أكثر, بتركيز على الجودة . تكلّم إيجليسياس عن عدد من أولويّات البنك الإسلاميّ للتّنمية, متضمّنًا تحسين المنافسة لحثّ النّموّ, الإصلاح الاجتماعيّ خلال آليّات الحماية الاجتماعيّة, برامج الشّباب, حماية الكارثة الطّبيعيّة, الحكم الجيّد و نشر فوائد المصالح العامّة العالميّة .أيضًا, أكّد أن أكثر حرّيّة تجاريّ سيزوّد المدخل للأسواق للنّاس الفقيرة, خصوصًا في المناطق الرّيفيّة . متفاوض جيّدًا و العولمة المدارة جيّدًا ستمتصّ بعض من المشاكل الكبيرة للفقر, مثل اعتماد عالي على السّلع في المناطق الرّيفيّة . أخيرًا, تقليل الفقر لا يجب أن يُعْتَبَر شأن دولة أو شأن حزب سياسيّ, لكنّ شأن قوميّ يتضمّن المشاركة في كلّ المستويات اتمنى يعجبكم يا احلى عشاق
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| | | | موضوع شامل عن انريكي ( صور , اغاني , فيديو كليبات , ...الخ) | |
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مواضيع مماثلة | |
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